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Kit Wisdom
Jun 25, 20236 min read
Is meeting the other really about meeting ourselves?
Tentative steps into relational embodied physiotherapy My ongoing experience of shifting worldviews; of taking the next step towards...
Kit Wisdom
Jan 31, 20236 min read
Feeling into the unseen: unearthing a felt sense of safety through mindful somatic exploration
The subjective experience of health practitioners has been largely invisible. Our learning implicitly affirms our existence as an expert,...
Kit Wisdom
Sep 12, 20227 min read
Uncomfortable gifts: learning through noticing our own body's experience
When the patient walked through the door and nodded hello, I noticed something had shifted. Her torso seemed longer whilst her shoulders...
Kit Wisdom
Jul 24, 20224 min read
Co-creating the relating: finding space to humanize the health professional
As the patient sits down and we settle into the space, I notice my body needing to be included. My heart is surging, my hands are hot. My...
Kit Wisdom
Jun 6, 20225 min read
Creating more space to consider our humanity: a relational approach
En route to a workshop in the country, I ease off the accelerator, temper my authority of the steering wheel, and gaze sideways at the...
Kit Wisdom
Jan 5, 20228 min read
Has your experience of healthcare included humanness and dignity?
Tegan's Story Last year I met Tegan, an absolute delight of a human. She had come to see me after being recommended by her psychologist...
Kit Wisdom
Sep 19, 20214 min read
Let the tears be here, Melbourne.
It was his eyes that got me: a bottomless, beautiful blue - wide, clear, and shiny. Their intensity reminding me of the depths of the...
Kit Wisdom
Jul 30, 20218 min read
Healthcare humans: do you have space to explore what really matters to you?
Have you explored your own heart? I remember the day I met Josephine quite clearly. I was nervous in the newness. My hands were a little...
Kit Wisdom
Apr 29, 20219 min read
When grief feels like morphing shapes, sunny honey, and parts of parts of parts.
When grief feels like love. I remember the feeling deeply. It appeared from somewhere unknown to me, somewhere further. Somewhere beyond...
Kit Wisdom
Aug 27, 20209 min read
Warm data: what does it look like in healthcare and where does it fit?
Do we see our heart skills as part of our communication skills? Yesterday, I heard a story of someone who has been in pain since she was...
Kit Wisdom
Aug 24, 20206 min read
Explorative, complex, relational experiences: how are they valued in healthcare?
By valuing the easier-to-measure over the potentially immeasurable, are we missing the shared human narratives that are essential for the...
Kit Wisdom
May 18, 20209 min read
Exploring outside the box: the nuanced weaving of physiotherapy and positive psychology.
An experience of experiential learning. I remember when I really hit the wall. I had hit it a few times previously, but maybe those times...
Kit Wisdom
May 6, 20207 min read
Are we exploring the need for psychological and emotional safety in our healthcare relationships?
Do we all want to belong? I recently heard a story that simultaneously broke and inspired my heart. A few months ago, I met *Caty, a...
Kit Wisdom
Apr 29, 20207 min read
Are we defining our patient's path too much?
How can we encourage healthcare practitioners to trust the patient has their answers? Six months ago I met a lovely bloke called *Ben*...
Kit Wisdom
Apr 11, 20204 min read
Collective Care Conversations: are we asking ourselves the questions that really matter?
What does 'collective care' mean to our healthcare industry? How are we defining the 'collective'? How do we define 'care'? Such...
Kit Wisdom
Apr 6, 20203 min read
Relating as humans, not just communicating
In a time where health professionals are rapidly moving their consultations online, our communication skills are being pushed front and...
Kit Wisdom
Mar 28, 20202 min read
Story listening - the art of slowness, stillness, silence.
In a world where time is something that no longer feels sacred and everything we do has a potential "should" in front of it, this...
Kit Wisdom
Mar 25, 20202 min read
How are we holding space for grief?
Some of what we are feeling right now is grief. Individual and collective grief. We can feel the world changing so quickly and the loss...
Kit Wisdom
Mar 24, 20203 min read
tele-HEART not just tele-health
Healthcare's latest mass pivot to tele-health can open access to the heart skills of practitioners. The power of story becomes vital to...
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